This page also contains variants of Taylor for the English language.
Foreign language versions of Taylor are listed under that language on the 'Shorthands' page.
All manuals are listed alphabetically by author, except Taylor himself who is listed at the top.
If you have a shorthand manual to contribute, if you notice any mistakes,
or have any difficulties downloading materials,
please write me and let me know.
The Art of Shorthand Perfected (1797)
An Essay Intended to Establish a Universal Standard of Stenography (1786 Subscriber Edition)
An Essay Intended to Establish a Universal Standard of Stenography (1786 1st Edition)
An Essay Intended to Establish a Universal Standard of Stenography (1801 3rd Edition)
An Essay Intended to Establish a Universal Standard of Stenography (1807 4th Edition)
An Essay Intended to Establish a Universal Standard of Stenography (1826)
Taylor's Universal System (1810 2nd Edition)
Taylor's Universal System (1814 5th Edition)
Taylor's Universal System (1826 6th Edition)
The Art of Shorthand Perfected (1797)
An Essay Intended to Establish a Universal Standard of Stenography (1786 Subscriber Edition)
An Essay Intended to Establish a Universal Standard of Stenography (1786 1st Edition)
An Essay Intended to Establish a Universal Standard of Stenography (1801 3rd Edition)
An Essay Intended to Establish a Universal Standard of Stenography (1807 4th Edition)
An Essay Intended to Establish a Universal Standard of Stenography (1826)
Taylor's Universal System (1810 2nd Edition)
Taylor's Universal System (1814 5th Edition)
Taylor's Universal System (1826 6th Edition)
Universal Stenography (1826
Universal Stenography (1828)
Harding High-Res Shorthand Charts thanks u/BerylPratt!
Universal Stenography (1826
Universal Stenography (1828)
Harding High-Res Shorthand Charts thanks u/BerylPratt!
Short Hints on Shorthand by a Times Reporter (1860)
Wisconson Explorer's Shorthand (1835) (link to u/RealMourningStar's grandfather's shorthand)
Short Hints on Shorthand by a Times Reporter (1860)
Wisconson Explorer's Shorthand (1835) (link to u/RealMourningStar's grandfather's shorthand)