What's New? 

I've finished inputting all my links for shorthand and steno webpages, all my shorthand resources into the downloads page. I'm now in the process of getting all my steno resources inputted onto the downloads page as well.  In the meantime, I've finished the Project Steno course and got another certificate, which you can read about on my blog.

July 18 2023 - I just finished loading up a lot of links and downloads, including a link to download my Stenohand pdf, and today I plan on finally publishing my website!  This is very exciting, as I feel like finishing this website is symbolic of how I'm entering into a new phase of my life.  Now I'll be concentrating on starting my new steno studies - I'm just about to join CareerLuv/StenoFasttrack to learn Magnum Steno theory.  But I'll be continuing to add content here on an ongoing basis, so come back to check out my website from time to time.

July 17 2023 - I added a few things to my blog page about the intro-to-steno courses I've been taking, and about my logo. 

July 16 2023 - I uploaded the Stenohand method from the pdf I made of it onto the website.  The pic to the right is the last written example on the Sample page - click it to be taken to my Stenohand page.

July 15 2023 -  I have just completed a new shorthand method based on machine steno, and can be used with any steno theory.  Check it by clicking the pic to the left.