All shorthand manuals are listed by the creator's name.
English alphabetic shorthands, additional shorthand materials,
and penmanship papers are listed separately below the English abstract shorthands.
If you have a shorthand manual to contribute, if you notice any mistakes,
or have any difficulties downloading materials,
please write me and let me know.
English Language Shorthands
English Abstract Shorthands
Swiftograph Original Edition
Swiftograph 15th Edition Easy to learn, preferable to the original edition
Additional Materials - zip file Contains Swiftograph 12th Edition, three articles about Abbott and Swiftograph, photo of Abbott, Sample of Orwell quote in Swiftograph by u/brifoz from the r/shorthand reddit group.
Swiftograph Original Edition
Swiftograph 15th Edition Easy to learn, preferable to the original edition
Additional Materials - zip file Contains Swiftograph 12th Edition, three articles about Abbott and Swiftograph, photo of Abbott, Sample of Orwell quote in Swiftograph by u/brifoz from the r/shorthand reddit group.
Stenographia The Art of Short Writing
Addy's method is a modification of Rich's.
Holy Bible in Shorthand
Stenographia The Art of Short Writing
Addy's method is a modification of Rich's.
Holy Bible in Shorthand
Aimé Paris
Aimé Paris Pour la Langue Anglaise (Aimé Paris for the English Language)
Calay Adaptation for English
Aimé Paris Pour la Langue Anglaise (Aimé Paris for the English Language)
Calay Adaptation for English
A Manual of Cursive Shorthand
A Primer of Cursive Shorthand
Reading Practice in Cursive Shorthand
Orthographic Cursive Shorthand - Clarey
Summary of Orthic by Sketch - Comms open
A Manual of Orthographic Cursive
A Manual of Orthographic Cursive Website Version
Supplement to the Manual of Orthic
Supplement to the Manual of Orthic Website Version
The Teaching of Orthic Shorthand 1 Stevens
The Teaching of Orthic Shorthand 2 Stevens
The Teaching of Orthic Shorthand 1 Retyped Stevens
The Teaching of Orthic Shorthand 2 Retyped Stevens
Notes on the Reporting Style of Orthic Stevens
Spanish Adaptation to Orthic by u/jacmoe (link)
New Testament
The Book of Psalms Part 1
The Book of Psalms Part 2
The Book of Psalms Part 3
The Book of Psalms Part 4
Aesop's Fables
An Alphabet Chart
(Go to the Orthic Shorthand website for more resources)
A Manual of Cursive Shorthand
A Primer of Cursive Shorthand
Reading Practice in Cursive Shorthand
Orthographic Cursive Shorthand - Clarey
Summary of Orthic by Sketch - Comms open
A Manual of Orthographic Cursive
A Manual of Orthographic Cursive Website Version
Supplement to the Manual of Orthic
Supplement to the Manual of Orthic Website Version
The Teaching of Orthic Shorthand 1 Stevens
The Teaching of Orthic Shorthand 2 Stevens
The Teaching of Orthic Shorthand 1 Retyped Stevens
The Teaching of Orthic Shorthand 2 Retyped Stevens
Notes on the Reporting Style of Orthic Stevens
Spanish Adaptation to Orthic by u/jacmoe (link)
New Testament
The Book of Psalms Part 1
The Book of Psalms Part 2
The Book of Psalms Part 3
The Book of Psalms Part 4
Aesop's Fables
An Alphabet Chart
(Go to the Orthic Shorthand website for more resources)
Speedwā Shorthand
Speedwā Shorthand Key to Manual and Dictation - Reader
New Modern Shorthand
New Modern Dictation
Modern Dictation
Spencerian Chartier Shorthand
Chartier Dictator, Dictionary, and Reader
Spencerian Chartier Dictator, Dictionary, and Reader
A Reply to the False Claims of Chartier Shorthand
Spencerian and Chartier Shorthands Compared
More pdfs of Chartier at Hathi Trust, link here
Speedwā Shorthand
Speedwā Shorthand Key to Manual and Dictation - Reader
New Modern Shorthand
New Modern Dictation
Modern Dictation
Spencerian Chartier Shorthand
Chartier Dictator, Dictionary, and Reader
Spencerian Chartier Dictator, Dictionary, and Reader
A Reply to the False Claims of Chartier Shorthand
Spencerian and Chartier Shorthands Compared
More pdfs of Chartier at Hathi Trust, link here
Cross's Eclectic Shorthand (1879)
Dictionary of Eclectic Shorthand (1884)
Eclectic Shorthand (1879)
Eclectic Shorthand (1888)
Eclectic Shorthand (1891)
Phrasebook of Eclectic Shorthand (1892)
Manual of Eclectic Shorthand - Musick (1894)
Eclectic Shorthand (1897)
Eclectic Shorthand (1900)
Eclectic Shorthand Lessons - Copious Exercises for Practice (1902)
Eclectic Shorthand (1903)
Student's Handbook of Shorthand - Dickson
Cross's Eclectic Shorthand (1879)
Dictionary of Eclectic Shorthand (1884)
Eclectic Shorthand (1879)
Eclectic Shorthand (1888)
Eclectic Shorthand (1891)
Phrasebook of Eclectic Shorthand (1892)
Manual of Eclectic Shorthand - Musick (1894)
Eclectic Shorthand (1897)
Eclectic Shorthand (1900)
Eclectic Shorthand Lessons - Copious Exercises for Practice (1902)
Eclectic Shorthand (1903)
Student's Handbook of Shorthand - Dickson
Dacomb Shorthand single page layout
Dacomb Shorthand double page layout
Dacomb The Australian Shorthand the latest edition
Dacomb Shorthand (link)
Clara Dacomb Biography (link)
Dacomb Shorthand single page layout
Dacomb Shorthand double page layout
Dacomb The Australian Shorthand the latest edition
Dacomb Shorthand (link)
Clara Dacomb Biography (link)
Duployan Codified
Duployan Key on a Postcard
Easiest Extant - Ellis
Lockett's Shorthand Instructor
Phonography Made Easy - Manseau
Acme Phonography - Mulvey
Everybody's Shorthand - Harmon / Pernin
Universal Phonography - Pernin's
Elementary & Superior Courses of Stenography - Perrault
Complete Elementary Course of Stenography - Perrault
Reading Exercises Elementary Course - Perrault
Superior Course of Stenography - Perrault
Reading Exercises Superior Course - Perrault
1500 Stenographic Abbreviations - Perrault
French and English Exercises in Shorthand - Renaud
Sloan-Duployan Phonographic Instructor
Sloan Duployan Instructor 14th Ed
Sloan-Duployan Instructor with Key
Sloan-Duployan - Reading Book Part I
Sloan Duployan - Reporters Rules
Duployan Shorthand Adapted to English - Brandt
Brandt Manual Retyped
Brandt Overview
Duployan Codified
Duployan Key on a Postcard
Easiest Extant - Ellis
Lockett's Shorthand Instructor
Phonography Made Easy - Manseau
Acme Phonography - Mulvey
Everybody's Shorthand - Harmon / Pernin
Universal Phonography - Pernin's
Elementary & Superior Courses of Stenography - Perrault
Complete Elementary Course of Stenography - Perrault
Reading Exercises Elementary Course - Perrault
Superior Course of Stenography - Perrault
Reading Exercises Superior Course - Perrault
1500 Stenographic Abbreviations - Perrault
French and English Exercises in Shorthand - Renaud
Sloan-Duployan Phonographic Instructor
Sloan Duployan Instructor 14th Ed
Sloan-Duployan Instructor with Key
Sloan-Duployan - Reading Book Part I
Sloan Duployan - Reporters Rules
Duployan Shorthand Adapted to English - Brandt
Brandt Manual Retyped
Brandt Overview
Graham, A.
The Hand-Book of Standard or American Phonography (1858)
The Little Teacher of Standard Phonography (1862)
An Aid in the Acquisition of Graham's Shorthand (1887) - Day
Graham's Synopsis of Standard Phonography (1891)
Andrews' Graded Sentence Book of Graham Standard Phonography (1892) - Andrew
Instruction in Practical Shorthand A Simple Arrangement of the Essentials of Graham Phonography for All Schools (1893) - Torrey
Business Letters in Graham's Standard Phonography (1899)
The President on the War in Graham's Standard Phonography (1899)
Outlines of Astronomy in the Advanced Reporting Style of Graham's Standard Phonography (1899)
Graham's Amanuensis Phonography (1914)
Graham's Business Shorthand (1916) - Sexton
Graham's Standard Phonographic Writing Exercise Blanks
The Hand-Book of Standard or American Phonography (1858)
The Little Teacher of Standard Phonography (1862)
An Aid in the Acquisition of Graham's Shorthand (1887) - Day
Graham's Synopsis of Standard Phonography (1891)
Andrews' Graded Sentence Book of Graham Standard Phonography (1892) - Andrew
Instruction in Practical Shorthand A Simple Arrangement of the Essentials of Graham Phonography for All Schools (1893) - Torrey
Business Letters in Graham's Standard Phonography (1899)
The President on the War in Graham's Standard Phonography (1899)
Outlines of Astronomy in the Advanced Reporting Style of Graham's Standard Phonography (1899)
Graham's Amanuensis Phonography (1914)
Graham's Business Shorthand (1916) - Sexton
Graham's Standard Phonographic Writing Exercise Blanks
Gregg shorthand for the English language has it's own separate webpage on my website.
Brachygraphy (1835)
A System of Shorthand (1869)
Textbook of Gurney (1884)
Lessons In Shorthand on Gurney's System (1884) Miller
Dickens - zip file Dickens wrote Gurney shorthand, taught it, and also modified it for his personal use. The zip file contains: Charles Dickens Shorthand Writer, The Shorthand of Charles Dickens, Various Shorthand Notebooks of Dickens, Decoding Dickens' Shorthand - Our 8-Step Guide, The DC Lexicon of Most-Frequent Symbols, The Dickens Code Alphabet, Various Dickens Transcription Challenge Documents, Decoding Dickens Videos
Brachygraphy (1835)
A System of Shorthand (1869)
Textbook of Gurney (1884)
Lessons In Shorthand on Gurney's System (1884) Miller
Dickens - zip file Dickens wrote Gurney shorthand, taught it, and also modified it for his personal use. The zip file contains: Charles Dickens Shorthand Writer, The Shorthand of Charles Dickens, Various Shorthand Notebooks of Dickens, Decoding Dickens' Shorthand - Our 8-Step Guide, The DC Lexicon of Most-Frequent Symbols, The Dickens Code Alphabet, Various Dickens Transcription Challenge Documents, Decoding Dickens Videos
Hill, James
Teeline - A Method of Fast Writing (1968)
Basic Teeline (1969)
Teeline Gold Word List - Heinemann (1981)
Teeline Fast - Dix (1990)
Teeline Gold - Heinemann (1991)
Teeline Complete Manual
TeelineMate Software
Teeline Awkward Joins by Francis Tew
Teeline Version Differences by cudabinawig
Teeline Differences
Teeline Shorthand Made Simple (link) If you want to take your Teeline to the next level, "Teeline Made Simple" will take you there.
(For more Teeline manuals, check out this archive link.)
Teeline - A Method of Fast Writing (1968)
Basic Teeline (1969)
Teeline Gold Word List - Heinemann (1981)
Teeline Fast - Dix (1990)
Teeline Gold - Heinemann (1991)
Teeline Complete Manual
TeelineMate Software
Teeline Awkward Joins by Francis Tew
Teeline Version Differences by cudabinawig
Teeline Differences
Teeline Shorthand Made Simple (link) If you want to take your Teeline to the next level, "Teeline Made Simple" will take you there.
(For more Teeline manuals, check out this archive link.)
Hirano (Deme)
EPSEMS A very intriguing German-style cursive system created by a Akihito Hirano for the English language.
EPSEMS This teaches English EPSEMS for Japanese speakers, but has great supplemental material for the learner.
A New Cursive Bilingual Stenography System for English and Japanese for Personal Use. Author's presentation of EPSEMS (link)
Presentation of EPSEMS at Intersteno (video link)
Hirano's Geometric Shorthand for English
EPSEMS A very intriguing German-style cursive system created by a Akihito Hirano for the English language.
EPSEMS This teaches English EPSEMS for Japanese speakers, but has great supplemental material for the learner.
A New Cursive Bilingual Stenography System for English and Japanese for Personal Use. Author's presentation of EPSEMS (link)
Presentation of EPSEMS at Intersteno (video link)
Hirano's Geometric Shorthand for English
Hitlofi (Henry Thomas Longfield)
Grafoni (1910)
Grafoni (1913)
Grafoni Shorthand Plates
Hitlofi Numerals (1917)
Grafoni (1910)
Grafoni (1913)
Grafoni Shorthand Plates
Hitlofi Numerals (1917)
The Oxford Shorthand
The Oxford Shorthand Reporter
Oxford Arranged in Six Lessons
Notes on Oxford by u/vevrik
The Oxford Shorthand
The Oxford Shorthand Reporter
Oxford Arranged in Six Lessons
Notes on Oxford by u/vevrik
Helps to the Study of Phonography (1883)
The Young Phonographer (1893)
The Shorthand Critic (1893)
Shorthand Notes Queries (1894)
McEwan's Phonographic Weekly (1893)
McEwan's Phonographic Weekly (1894)
McEwan's Phonographic Weekly (1895)
Stenography in a Week (1911)
McEwan's Shorthand (1913)
McEwan's Easy Shorthand The Wonder Manual (1919)
McEwan's Wonder Manual Key (1919)
McEwan's Easy Shorthand Dictionary (1919)
Higher Stenographic Efficiency (1920)
McEwan Obituary
Helps to the Study of Phonography (1883)
The Young Phonographer (1893)
The Shorthand Critic (1893)
Shorthand Notes Queries (1894)
McEwan's Phonographic Weekly (1893)
McEwan's Phonographic Weekly (1894)
McEwan's Phonographic Weekly (1895)
Stenography in a Week (1911)
McEwan's Shorthand (1913)
McEwan's Easy Shorthand The Wonder Manual (1919)
McEwan's Wonder Manual Key (1919)
McEwan's Easy Shorthand Dictionary (1919)
Higher Stenographic Efficiency (1920)
McEwan Obituary
New Rapid (1888)
McKee's New Standard Shorthand (1892)
McKee's New Standard Reader (1899)
McKee's New Standard Shorthand (1903)
McKee Shorthand Reader (1905)
McKee's Shorthand (1909)
McKee Shorthand (1912)
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 1
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 2
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 3
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 4
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 5
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 6
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 7
New Rapid (1888)
McKee's New Standard Shorthand (1892)
McKee's New Standard Reader (1899)
McKee's New Standard Shorthand (1903)
McKee Shorthand Reader (1905)
McKee's Shorthand (1909)
McKee Shorthand (1912)
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 1
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 2
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 3
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 4
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 5
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 6
McKee's Shorthand Magazine 7
Phonography or the Art of Shorthand Writing (1896)
Natural System of Shorthand Writing (1901)
The Manual of Natural Shorthand (1917)
Design of the German People’s Shorthand (1925)
Summary of the Main Rules
Original German Text
German Text Retyped
Mengelkamp Summary
German Text Translated to English
Phonography or the Art of Shorthand Writing (1896)
Natural System of Shorthand Writing (1901)
The Manual of Natural Shorthand (1917)
Design of the German People’s Shorthand (1925)
Summary of the Main Rules
Original German Text
German Text Retyped
Mengelkamp Summary
German Text Translated to English
The 'Dot and Dash' System of Shorthand
The 'Dot and Dash' Shorthand Reader It gives more information on the system.
'Dot' and 'Dash' Alphabet
Dot-and-Dash Paper for use with the system
The 'Dot and Dash' System of Shorthand
The 'Dot and Dash' Shorthand Reader It gives more information on the system.
'Dot' and 'Dash' Alphabet
Dot-and-Dash Paper for use with the system
Pitman for the English language has it's own separate webpage on my website.
Pitman Shorthand for the English language has it's own separate webpate on my website.
A Tutor to Tachygraphy (1642)
Shelton/Simon West (1727)
Tachygraphy The Most Exact and Compendious (1693)
Tachygraphy or Short-Writing
Guide to Reading Pepys Shorthand - Loveman
From Pepy's Diary
Pepys's Diary Guy de la Bédoyère
(youtube link)
Samuel Pepys's Diary 1666 The Great Fire (youtube link)
A Tutor to Tachygraphy (1642)
Shelton/Simon West (1727)
Tachygraphy The Most Exact and Compendious (1693)
Tachygraphy or Short-Writing
Guide to Reading Pepys Shorthand - Loveman
From Pepy's Diary
Pepys's Diary Guy de la Bédoyère
(youtube link)
Samuel Pepys's Diary 1666 The Great Fire (youtube link)
Stiefografie International English - Golitschek
English Stiefo Short Forms by u/giftpflanze
English Stiefo Basic System Overview (link)
Stiefografie International English - Golitschek
English Stiefo Short Forms by u/giftpflanze
English Stiefo Basic System Overview (link)
Phono Stenography (1887) - Dettman
Phono Stenography (1909) - Dettman
Phono Stenography Reporting Style - Dettman
A Simplified System of English Stenography (1877) - Michaelis
A Simplified System of English Stenography (1890) - Michaelis
A New System of English Stenography - Michaelis
Stolze-Schrey for French, Italian, English, & Spanish (1953)
Stolze Schrey Vowels 1
Stolze Schrey Vowels 2
Phono Stenography (1887) - Dettman
Phono Stenography (1909) - Dettman
Phono Stenography Reporting Style - Dettman
A Simplified System of English Stenography (1877) - Michaelis
A Simplified System of English Stenography (1890) - Michaelis
A New System of English Stenography - Michaelis
Stolze-Schrey for French, Italian, English, & Spanish (1953)
Stolze Schrey Vowels 1
Stolze Schrey Vowels 2
Taylor and variants of Taylor for the English language have their own separate webpage on my website.
Short Shorthand
Thomas Natural Shorthand 1st Edition
Thomas Natural Shorthand 2st Edition
Thomas Natural Shorthand Workbook
Thomas Natural Dictionary
Thomas Natural Introductory Readings
Thomas Natural Key to Readings
Talk and Take Thomas Natural Shorthand
The Success of Thomas Natural Shorthand Writers in the Field of Business
Thomas Natural Shorthand 1st Edition
Thomas Natural Shorthand 2st Edition
Thomas Natural Shorthand Workbook
Thomas Natural Dictionary
Thomas Natural Introductory Readings
Thomas Natural Key to Readings
Talk and Take Thomas Natural Shorthand
The Success of Thomas Natural Shorthand Writers in the Field of Business
The Art of Stenographie
The School Master to the Art of Stenographie
Sample of Willis from the 1800s
The Roger Williams Code (link) Roger Williams was a theologian who wrote in Willis Stenographie.
Miscellanea Alchemica XXI
The Art of Stenographie
The School Master to the Art of Stenographie
Sample of Willis from the 1800s
The Roger Williams Code (link) Roger Williams was a theologian who wrote in Willis Stenographie.
Miscellanea Alchemica XXI
English Alphabetic Shorthands
Lemaster / Hankin
SuperWrite Transcription Lessons 21-25
SuperWrite Summary
Another SuperWrite Summary
SuperWrite Sample and Report by brifoz
SuperWrite Transcription Lessons 21-25
SuperWrite Summary
Another SuperWrite Summary
SuperWrite Sample and Report by brifoz
Simplified Alphabets
One Stroke Script
Ford Improved Shorthand
Quikscript Manual
SCAC - Simpified Cursive Alphabet for Comfort created by u/IIIIIIIIIIII
Shavian (link)
Shavian Lexicon (link)
Additional Materials
20 Shortcuts to Shorthand Speed
Building Speed by the Pyramid Plan
Standardizing Shorthand Speed Tests
A Vowelless Shorthand Dictionary
A Shorthand Dictionary Divested of Vowels
History of Shorthand - Anderson
The History of Shorthand Writing - Levy
An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of Shorthand - Lewis
A History of Shorthand - Pitman
Shorthand Its History and Its Prospects
Brief History of the Art of Stenography - Upham
He also presents his own system in the book.
To the Origins of Greek Stenography A study of the Montserrat Codex Miscellaneus
Proceedings of the New York State Stenographers' Asociation 1889
Shorthand Comparisons
Shorthand Systems Analyzed - Gregg, Pitman, Paragon, Boyd Syllabic Proceedings of the New York State Shorthand Reporters' Association (1918)
Ten Second Facility Tests - Dewey Supplement to the Proceedings listed above
Shorthand Systems By Various English Authors and Their Respective Merits
Which System of Shorthand Should We Learn? Discusses systems like Sloan-Duployan, Pernin, New Rapid, Gregg, Cross Eclectic, Pitman, Graham, and Munson.
Exhibit of the State of the Phonographic Art Graham vs PItman (1864)
Thomas Anderson Shorthand Samples of Gurney, Taylor, Peachey, Janes, Sleep, Guest, Pocknell Compared
Thomas Anderson Shorthand Samples Key
Frank Rutherford on Pitman and Gregg
Taylor Pitman, Pocknell, Gregg, Abbott 15 Comparison
17th Century Shorthands Compared
Shorthand in Journalism - A Dying Art?
I Never Will Need Shorthand - Sylvia Plath and Speedwriting
Training for the Ministry Shorthand and the Colonial New England Manuscript
How the Shorthand Was Introduced Among the Indians
Secret Writing and the Popish Plot - Deciphering the Shorthand of Sir George Treby
Notehead Shorthand: A Rhythmic Shorthand Method for Melodic Dictation Exercises
Shorthand: a Key to New Historical Evidence
A talk on deciphering old texts from writers of the 17th and 18th centuries that are written in shorthands like Mason and Shelton.
The Student's Shorthand Vocabulary This book is a long list of words with a blank space next to each one so the student can write their own shorthand outline next to it.
Most Frequent 500 Another printout with a blank space where you can write out the outline for your own shorthand method.
Shorthand Terminology Glossary
The Methods of Teaching Shorthand
The Carlton Collection Catalogue of Shorthand Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
The Importance of Shorthand - Industry Consultation
Stenographic Civil Service Tests
The Teaching, Practice, and Literature of Shorthand
Chronological List of British Shorthand Systems
The Bibliography of Shorthand - Westby-Gibson
Complete Phrase Codes for Telegram
Penmanship Papers
Print Your Own Shorthand Notepad
Shorthand Pad Pages
Grey Dot Paper
Grey Dot Practice Sheet
5mm Graph Paper
1/4" Graph Paper
Notebook Paper
3/8" Ruled
3 Lined Worksheet
Court Reporter Pad
Court Reporter Pad Example
Papers Especially for German Systems
Stenograph Paper for Melin
Lined Shorthand Paper
2mm Light Lines
2mm Dark Lines
3mm Light Lines
3mm Dark Lines
4mm Light Lines
4mm Dark Lines
4mm Slanted Light Lines
4mm Slanted Dark Lines
Shorthands in Other Languages
Awad عبدالرزاق عوض
Awad Stenography اختزال عوض
Boustani سليمان البستاني
Shorthand, or Stenography This website has clearer images of the basic characters. يحتوي هذا الموقع على صور أوضح للحروف الأساسية.
(by committee من قبل اللجنة)
The Al-Farahidi Method الاختزال باللغة العربية طريقة الفراهيدي You can view a reddit post on this shorthand at this link. منشور ريدت عن هذا النظام. There is also this article by an author of the system that discusses the history of the method. مقال لأحد مؤلفي الطريقة.
Hanna / Reas شفيق حنا، د. هربرت د. ريس
Hannareas هناريس a Gregg adaptation
Salim / Pitman سالم-بتمان
Stenography by the Salim-Pitman Method - Bakur سامر يحيى بكور - الاختزال علم وفن وفق طريقة سالم-بتمان
Wakid فؤاد واكد
Wakid Shorthand اختزال واكد
Arabic Shorthand A Comparison between the Aryan and Wakid Methods اختزال الكتابة العربية: شرح طريقة عريان القديمة ومقارنتها بطريقة واكد الحديثة
հայ լեզու - Armenian
Cymraeg - Welsh
Llaw-fer Yn Gymraeg gan Banel o Athrawon Llaw-fer (1973)
Phonographia - Morgan (1876)
Llaw Fer - gan Edward Jones (1864)
The older versions are listed here for historical interest - it's best to learn from the 1973 manual.
Llaw-fer Yn Gymraeg gan Banel o Athrawon Llaw-fer (1973)
Phonographia - Morgan (1876)
Llaw Fer - gan Edward Jones (1864)
The older versions are listed here for historical interest - it's best to learn from the 1973 manual.
中文 - Chinese
This section is organized by year.
通用中文速記 Universal Chinese Stenography - 朱莉婭·巴雷特 Julia A. Barrett (1883) (此速記法不完善 This system is not well developed.)
通用中文速記 Universal Chinese Stenography - 朱莉婭·巴雷特 Julia A. Barrett (1883) (此速記法不完善 This system is not well developed.)
張文齡 Chang Wen Ling
傳音快字 上卷南音 下卷北音 Chinese Phonetic Stenography with Southern and Northern Pronunciation (1912)
傳音快字 上卷南音 下卷北音 Chinese Phonetic Stenography with Southern and Northern pronunciation (1912) 黑白 B&W
這兩個PDF內容相同,但篇章的順序不同 These PDFs have the same content in different order.
傳音快字 上卷南音 下卷北音 Chinese Phonetic Stenography with Southern and Northern Pronunciation (1912)
傳音快字 上卷南音 下卷北音 Chinese Phonetic Stenography with Southern and Northern pronunciation (1912) 黑白 B&W
這兩個PDF內容相同,但篇章的順序不同 These PDFs have the same content in different order.
唐亚伟 Tang Ya Wei / Gregg
亞偉速記學基本講義 Basic Teachings on Ya Wei Shorthand (1948)
汉字简明速记法 Simple Clear Shorthand Technique for Chinese (1994)
亚伟式中文速记法 Ya Wei Style Shorthand for Chinese (1999)
Articles about the author (links):
亚伟速录 Ya Wei Stenography machine steno
95岁老人热衷于速记 - 95-Year-Old Devoted to Chinese Shorthand
中国速记之父去世 Father of Chinese Stenography Dies
唐亚伟-百度百科 Tang Ya Wei Baidu Encyclopedia
亞偉速記學基本講義 Basic Teachings on Ya Wei Shorthand (1948)
汉字简明速记法 Simple Clear Shorthand Technique for Chinese (1994)
亚伟式中文速记法 Ya Wei Style Shorthand for Chinese (1999)
Articles about the author (links):
亚伟速录 Ya Wei Stenography machine steno
95岁老人热衷于速记 - 95-Year-Old Devoted to Chinese Shorthand
中国速记之父去世 Father of Chinese Stenography Dies
唐亚伟-百度百科 Tang Ya Wei Baidu Encyclopedia
Dansk - Danish
Deutch - German
Lehrbuch der Gabelsbergersche Stenographie - Albrecht
Schulkurzschriftsystems - Brauns
Kurzgefasstes Lehrbuch der Dabelsbergerschen Stenographie - Gratzmüller
Den Stenografirenden Slaven - Olewinski
Stammbuch des Gabelsbergerschen Systems Übertragung auf die Schwedische Sprache Swan / Fabritius
Lehrbuch der Gabelsbergersche Stenographie - Albrecht
Schulkurzschriftsystems - Brauns
Kurzgefasstes Lehrbuch der Dabelsbergerschen Stenographie - Gratzmüller
Den Stenografirenden Slaven - Olewinski
Stammbuch des Gabelsbergerschen Systems Übertragung auf die Schwedische Sprache Swan / Fabritius
Entwurf der Deutschen Volkskurzschrift
Deutschen Volkskurzschrift (emeut getippt)
Deutschen Volkskurzschrift (überblick)
Deutschen Volkskurzschrift (ins Englische übersetzt)
Entwurf der Deutschen Volkskurzschrift
Deutschen Volkskurzschrift (emeut getippt)
Deutschen Volkskurzschrift (überblick)
Deutschen Volkskurzschrift (ins Englische übersetzt)
Stiefografie - Das Kurzschriftalfabet der Deutschen Sprache
Stiefografie Kurzschrift in Drei Stunden Selbstunterricht - Scheler
Rationelle Stenografie - Anleitung zum Selbststadium - Gunkel
Rationelle Stenografie - Aufbauschrift 1
Rationelle Stenografie - Aufbauschrift 2
Rationelle Steno Übungsbuch - Weber
Sechs Seiten Schlüssel
Ein Vorwort Das Sie Lesen Müssen
Stiefografie International English - Golitschek
English Stiefo Short Forms by u/giftpflanze
English Stiefo Basic System Overview (link)
Stiefografie - Die Rationelle Stenografie (Verlagsseite link)
Rationale Stenografie (im Klartraumforum, Kurzschrift für das Traumtagebuch - link)
Stiefografie - Das Moderne, Schnell und Leicht Erlernbare Stenografiesystem (link)
Stiefografie - Das Kurzschriftalfabet der Deutschen Sprache
Stiefografie Kurzschrift in Drei Stunden Selbstunterricht - Scheler
Rationelle Stenografie - Anleitung zum Selbststadium - Gunkel
Rationelle Stenografie - Aufbauschrift 1
Rationelle Stenografie - Aufbauschrift 2
Rationelle Steno Übungsbuch - Weber
Sechs Seiten Schlüssel
Ein Vorwort Das Sie Lesen Müssen
Stiefografie International English - Golitschek
English Stiefo Short Forms by u/giftpflanze
English Stiefo Basic System Overview (link)
Stiefografie - Die Rationelle Stenografie (Verlagsseite link)
Rationale Stenografie (im Klartraumforum, Kurzschrift für das Traumtagebuch - link)
Stiefografie - Das Moderne, Schnell und Leicht Erlernbare Stenografiesystem (link)
Ελληνικά - Greek
Español - Spanish
Duployé / Ameghino
Taquigrafia Ameghino
Taquigrafia Ameghino Página 777 del Libro "Obras Completas y Correspondencia"
Taquigrafia Ameghino
Taquigrafia Ameghino Página 777 del Libro "Obras Completas y Correspondencia"
Taquigrafia Gregg Preaniversaria - Pani
Ejercicios Progresivos de Gregg
Clave de los Ejercicios Progresivos
Diccionario de la Taquigrafia Gregg
Taquigrafia Gregg Aniversaria
Taquigrafia Aniversaria Diccionario
Taquigrafia Gregg Simplificada y Clave
Diccionario de la Taquigrafia
Auxiliar de la Taquigrafia
Estudios de Rapidez en Taquigrafia
Suplemento a la Exposition de la Taquigrafia
Taquigrafia Gregg Primer Curso
Clave de la Taquigrafia Gregg Primer Curso
Taquigrafia Gregg Segundo Curso
Clave de Segundo Curso
Serie 90
Taquigrafia Texto Básico
Taquigrafia Texto Básico Clave
Taquigrafia Cuaderno de Trabajo
Taquigrafia Dictado y Transcripcion
Taquigrafia Gregg Edicion Centenaria
Taquigrafia Gregg Edicion Centenaria Clave
Manual del Maestro
Taquigrafia Dictado y Transcripcion
Mardones / Guerrero
Taquigrafia: una Adaptacion al Espanol del sistema Gregg (1952) de dos taquígrafos de la Cámara de Diputados de Chile
Taquigrafia Gregg Preaniversaria - Pani
Ejercicios Progresivos de Gregg
Clave de los Ejercicios Progresivos
Diccionario de la Taquigrafia Gregg
Taquigrafia Gregg Aniversaria
Taquigrafia Aniversaria Diccionario
Taquigrafia Gregg Simplificada y Clave
Diccionario de la Taquigrafia
Auxiliar de la Taquigrafia
Estudios de Rapidez en Taquigrafia
Suplemento a la Exposition de la Taquigrafia
Taquigrafia Gregg Primer Curso
Clave de la Taquigrafia Gregg Primer Curso
Taquigrafia Gregg Segundo Curso
Clave de Segundo Curso
Serie 90
Taquigrafia Texto Básico
Taquigrafia Texto Básico Clave
Taquigrafia Cuaderno de Trabajo
Taquigrafia Dictado y Transcripcion
Taquigrafia Gregg Edicion Centenaria
Taquigrafia Gregg Edicion Centenaria Clave
Manual del Maestro
Taquigrafia Dictado y Transcripcion
Mardones / Guerrero
Taquigrafia: una Adaptacion al Espanol del sistema Gregg (1952) de dos taquígrafos de la Cámara de Diputados de Chile
Duployé / Flageul
Lernolibro de Esperanta Stenografio
Poezioj de Zamenhof Skribitaj en Esperanta Stenografio Duployé-Flageul (ligilo al libro)
Lernolibro de Esperanta Stenografio
Poezioj de Zamenhof Skribitaj en Esperanta Stenografio Duployé-Flageul (ligilo al libro)
Stolze-Schrey / Schneeberger
Lernolibro de Esperanta Stenografio
Ligiloj al Aliaj Libroj:
Resumo de la Esperanta Stenografio
Regularo kaj Sigelaro de Kongresa Stenografio Sistemo Stolze-Schrey
Lernolibro de Esperanta Stenografio
Ligiloj al Aliaj Libroj:
Resumo de la Esperanta Stenografio
Regularo kaj Sigelaro de Kongresa Stenografio Sistemo Stolze-Schrey
Française - French
Aimé Paris
Nouveau Manuel de Lectures Stenographiques - Barbier
Traité de Stenographie Amié Paris - Roullier-Leuba
Nouveau Traité Complet de Sténographie Française Aimé Paris (Swiss Edition)
La Sténographie Simplifiée - Meysmans
Aimé Paris pour la Langue Anglaise
Sténographie Aimé Paris
Aimé Paris Marques Nasales
Calay Adaptation for English
Nouveau Manuel de Lectures Stenographiques - Barbier
Traité de Stenographie Amié Paris - Roullier-Leuba
Nouveau Traité Complet de Sténographie Française Aimé Paris (Swiss Edition)
La Sténographie Simplifiée - Meysmans
Aimé Paris pour la Langue Anglaise
Sténographie Aimé Paris
Aimé Paris Marques Nasales
Calay Adaptation for English
Sténographie_Duployé - Duployé / Sinceny
Method Elementaire de Stenographie Duployé
Cours Complet de Sténographie Pratique - Canton
Cours Élémentaire de Sténographie - Perrault
Cours de Steno-Metagraphie - Van den Bosch / Camby
Exercices Stenographiques Française et Anglais - Renard
Cours de Sténographie Duployé Fondamentale - Hautefeuille
Stenographie Duployé Codifiée Bernard / Blancard / Peyrou
Méthode de Sténographie Duployé Perfectionnée - Navarre
Sténographie Duployé 25 Édition
Stenographie Integrale
Quinze Cents Abréviations Sténographique - Perrault
La Clé de la Sténographie Duployé
Tableau des Voyelles Duployées
Sténographie_Duployé - Duployé / Sinceny
Method Elementaire de Stenographie Duployé
Cours Complet de Sténographie Pratique - Canton
Cours Élémentaire de Sténographie - Perrault
Cours de Steno-Metagraphie - Van den Bosch / Camby
Exercices Stenographiques Française et Anglais - Renard
Cours de Sténographie Duployé Fondamentale - Hautefeuille
Stenographie Duployé Codifiée Bernard / Blancard / Peyrou
Méthode de Sténographie Duployé Perfectionnée - Navarre
Sténographie Duployé 25 Édition
Stenographie Integrale
Quinze Cents Abréviations Sténographique - Perrault
La Clé de la Sténographie Duployé
Tableau des Voyelles Duployées
Tout le Brevigraphie en Quatre Leçons
Une Transcription du Pamphlet Original
Meet Raoul Duval un article Reddit sur le système avec une biographie du créateur
Tout le Brevigraphie en Quatre Leçons
Une Transcription du Pamphlet Original
Meet Raoul Duval un article Reddit sur le système avec une biographie du créateur
Matériels Supplémentaires
Histoire de la Stenographie - Guenin
Bibliographie de la Stenographie Française
Histoire de la Stenographie - Guenin
Bibliographie de la Stenographie Française
Gaeilge - Irish
עִברִית גַם יידיש - Hebrew and Yiddish
Hebräisches Stenogramm This sample is taken from the book below - to learn this system for Hebrew, you will need to study from another Gabelsberger textbook.
Hebräische Conversations-Grammatik - Rosenberg
Gabelsberger-Based Hebrew Shorthand Prototype (link to discussion on reddit)
Hebräisches Stenogramm This sample is taken from the book below - to learn this system for Hebrew, you will need to study from another Gabelsberger textbook.
Hebräische Conversations-Grammatik - Rosenberg
Gabelsberger-Based Hebrew Shorthand Prototype (link to discussion on reddit)
Italiano - Italian
Manuale di Stenografia - Noe
Manuale di Stenografia - Molina
Perfezionamento Teorico Pratico - Soldati
Perfezionamento Stenografico
Abbreviazione Logica - Soldati
Perfezionamento Stenografico Avviamento alla Velocita - Soldati
Lezioni Teorico-Pratiche di Stenografia - Soldati
Lezioni di Stenografia - Giulietti
Nuovo Compendio di Stenografia - Giulietti
Stenografia Vol 1 - Beltami
Steno Velox Corso Rapido di Stenografia - Soldati
Steno Velox Chiave degli Esercizi - Soldati
Steno Velox Raccolta di Brani Applicativi - Soldati
Stenografia Inglese - Soldati
Grammatica della Stenografia Italiana - Marchiori
Grammatica della Stenografia Italiana - Molina
Il Dizionario della Stenografia Italiana - Pigò
Dizionario Etimologico Stenografico - Molina
Siglario Stenografico
Esercizi di Stenografia - Caccini
Quaderno di Aggiornamento - Du Ban
Indice Analitico degli Stenogrammi - Libri
Articolo sulla Stenografia Gabelsberger-Noe
Lezioni dal Professore Erminio Soldati @stenogabnoe (zip file)
Manuale di Stenografia - Noe
Manuale di Stenografia - Molina
Perfezionamento Teorico Pratico - Soldati
Perfezionamento Stenografico
Abbreviazione Logica - Soldati
Perfezionamento Stenografico Avviamento alla Velocita - Soldati
Lezioni Teorico-Pratiche di Stenografia - Soldati
Lezioni di Stenografia - Giulietti
Nuovo Compendio di Stenografia - Giulietti
Stenografia Vol 1 - Beltami
Steno Velox Corso Rapido di Stenografia - Soldati
Steno Velox Chiave degli Esercizi - Soldati
Steno Velox Raccolta di Brani Applicativi - Soldati
Stenografia Inglese - Soldati
Grammatica della Stenografia Italiana - Marchiori
Grammatica della Stenografia Italiana - Molina
Il Dizionario della Stenografia Italiana - Pigò
Dizionario Etimologico Stenografico - Molina
Siglario Stenografico
Esercizi di Stenografia - Caccini
Quaderno di Aggiornamento - Du Ban
Indice Analitico degli Stenogrammi - Libri
Articolo sulla Stenografia Gabelsberger-Noe
Lezioni dal Professore Erminio Soldati @stenogabnoe (zip file)
Facebook post di u/e_piteto
Questo post su Reddit contiene un elenco completo di tutti i metodi di stenografia italiani conosciuti.
Questo post su Reddit contiene un elenco completo di tutti i metodi di stenografia italiani conosciuti.
Latina - Latin
Tironian Notes
Commentarii Notarum Tironianarum
Commentarii Notarum Tironianarum
Commentarii Notarum Tironianarum 1
Commentarii Notarum Tironianarum 2
Commentarii Notarum Tironianarum 3
Palaeographia Critica Pars Prima - Kopp
Palaeographia Critica Pars Secunda - Kopp
Diomedis de Oratione Tironian Notes
Études Tironiennes
Introduction à la Lecture des Notes Tironiennes
The Journal of Hellenic Studies - On Old Greek Tachygraphy Page 238
Tironian Notes Alphabet
Tironian Notes Psalm 68
Tironian Notes
Commentarii Notarum Tironianarum
Commentarii Notarum Tironianarum
Commentarii Notarum Tironianarum 1
Commentarii Notarum Tironianarum 2
Commentarii Notarum Tironianarum 3
Palaeographia Critica Pars Prima - Kopp
Palaeographia Critica Pars Secunda - Kopp
Diomedis de Oratione Tironian Notes
Études Tironiennes
Introduction à la Lecture des Notes Tironiennes
The Journal of Hellenic Studies - On Old Greek Tachygraphy Page 238
Tironian Notes Alphabet
Tironian Notes Psalm 68
Tironian Notes
Nederlands - Dutch
Leerboek A voor Stenografie
Leerboek B voor Stenografie
Stenografie in het Leger
Stenografie-Pont Duitsch
Leerboek der Stenografie - Schoevers
Leerboek der Stenografie - Van Haren
Ons Kortschrift - Van Gelderen
Reporterschrift Groote
Stenografie voor Iedereen
Stenografie voor Iedereen (andere versie)
Beknopt Leerboek - Schoevers
Het Steno-Leerboek voor de Engelsche Taal - Zanen
Omnisbaar voor Iederen Stenografie - Schoevers
Standaard Leerboek - Schoevers
Steno-Leerboek Muller / van Gelderen
Stenografie Groote Leerboek - Hoogstaden
Verkortschrift 1
Verkortschrift 2
Leerboek der Stenografie - Schoevers
Leerboek der Stenografie - Van Haren
Ons Kortschrift - Van Gelderen
Reporterschrift Groote
Stenografie voor Iedereen
Stenografie voor Iedereen (andere versie)
Beknopt Leerboek - Schoevers
Het Steno-Leerboek voor de Engelsche Taal - Zanen
Omnisbaar voor Iederen Stenografie - Schoevers
Standaard Leerboek - Schoevers
Steno-Leerboek Muller / van Gelderen
Stenografie Groote Leerboek - Hoogstaden
Verkortschrift 1
Verkortschrift 2
Norsk - Norwegian
Polski - Polish
Czasopisma Stenograficzne (links)
Czytanki Stenograficzne
Biblioteka Stenograficzna
Czytanka Stenografii
Czytanki Stenograficzne
Biblioteka Stenograficzna
Czytanka Stenografii
Português - Portuguese
Române - Romanian
Русский - Russian
Русской Стенографiй
Лимончиова / Кочеткова / Частухина / Крайнева
Стенография - Учебное Пособие для Учащихся IX-X Классов
Стенография - Учебное Пособие для Учащихся IX-X Классов
Svenska - Swedish
Lärobok 1 Melins Stenografi Skarvall / Hähnel
Lärobok i Förenklad Snabbskrift
Kort Handledning i Yrkesstenografi - Lundman
Lika Fort Som Man Talar 1 - Holmqvist / Schenning
Lika Fort Som Man Talar 2 - Holmqvist / Schenning
Lika Fort Som Man Talar 3 - Holmqvist / Schenning
Förkortningsordlista Riksdagen A-L - Göte / Schenning
Förkortningsordlista Riksdagen M-Ö - Göte / Schenning
Pikakirjoituksen Oppikirja - Nordenswan
Melins Stenografi Systembeskrivning
Förkortningsprinciper - Ekermann
Ilskrift - Lundman
Lärobok 1 Tysk Stenografi - Sköldvall
Lärobok i Spansk Stenografi Westerberg
Melins System på Engelska
Lärobok 1 Melins Stenografi Skarvall / Hähnel
Lärobok i Förenklad Snabbskrift
Kort Handledning i Yrkesstenografi - Lundman
Lika Fort Som Man Talar 1 - Holmqvist / Schenning
Lika Fort Som Man Talar 2 - Holmqvist / Schenning
Lika Fort Som Man Talar 3 - Holmqvist / Schenning
Förkortningsordlista Riksdagen A-L - Göte / Schenning
Förkortningsordlista Riksdagen M-Ö - Göte / Schenning
Pikakirjoituksen Oppikirja - Nordenswan
Melins Stenografi Systembeskrivning
Förkortningsprinciper - Ekermann
Ilskrift - Lundman
Lärobok 1 Tysk Stenografi - Sköldvall
Lärobok i Spansk Stenografi Westerberg
Melins System på Engelska
Србска - Serbian
Србска Стенографија - Миловука
ภาษาไทย - Thai
ทักษะการเขียนชวเลขในรัฐสภา - Shorthand Writing Skills in Parliament
คู่มือการเขียนชวเลขของสำนักงานเลขาธิการวุฒิสภา - Shorthand Writing Manual for the Office of the Secretariat of the Senate
ทักษะการเขียนชวเลขแบบเกร๊กก์โดยสำนักงานเลขาธิการวุฒิสภา - Gregg's Shorthand Writing Skills by the Senate Secretariat
ทักษะการเขียนชวเลขในรัฐสภา - Shorthand Writing Skills in Parliament
คู่มือการเขียนชวเลขของสำนักงานเลขาธิการวุฒิสภา - Shorthand Writing Manual for the Office of the Secretariat of the Senate
ทักษะการเขียนชวเลขแบบเกร๊กก์โดยสำนักงานเลขาธิการวุฒิสภา - Gregg's Shorthand Writing Skills by the Senate Secretariat
Türk - Turkish
Stenografi Bu kısayolun açıklamasını reddit'te bu bağlantıda bulabilirsiniz. You can find a description of this shorthand on reddit at this link.
Stenografi Bu kısayolun açıklamasını reddit'te bu bağlantıda bulabilirsiniz. You can find a description of this shorthand on reddit at this link.
Duployé كونطار
Stenografi - Soykan / Yilmaz / Aydin Türkiye Bükük Millet Meclisi Tutanak Hizmetleri Başkanliği - Official Stenography Manual of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey
Turke Lisanna Mahsus Sitenografya Uslu - Aroya
Gontard دوبلوایه
Duploye's Abbreviated Script دوبلوایه نك خط مختصری
Stenografi - Soykan / Yilmaz / Aydin Türkiye Bükük Millet Meclisi Tutanak Hizmetleri Başkanliği - Official Stenography Manual of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey
Turke Lisanna Mahsus Sitenografya Uslu - Aroya
Gontard دوبلوایه
Duploye's Abbreviated Script دوبلوایه نك خط مختصری
Украïнский - Ukrainian
Украïнська Стенографiя - Панейко
If there is anything missing here that you think I should make available, or if you have anything you can contribute to the collection, please let me know about it.