
If you know of any links that you think I should make available, please let me know about it.

Social Media

Shorthand on Reddit 

FastWritting on Reddit 

Discord Shorthand Server 

Shorthand Writing on Facebook 

Shorthand Collections

Internet Archive 

Rider University 

Hathi Trust Digital Library 

Google Books 

Library of Congress  (this link connects you to the available digital documents)
Library of Congress  (use this link if you also want to search for physical books) 

British Library 

Biblioteca Digital Hispánica 

Slub-Dresden  for German and other foreign language shorthand systems

Gallica  French shorthand books

Online Shorthand Resources  from the Shorthand Reddit 

The Pocknell Collection  at the Exeter Library. 
Unfortunately the manuals are not available online.

The Online Books Page 

Uploading - A Basic Guide  If you have any old shorthand books that are rare and you think others might like to read, this guide shows you how to upload them to Internet Archive.


Gregg Shorthand Dictionary  For both Anniversary and Simplified.

Gregg Shorthand by Andrew Owen  This site offers books for all forms of Gregg, and many other goodies.

Gregg Shorthand Interactive Blog  This is an amazing website run by Carlos, and features readings in all forms of Gregg, even some in French and Spanish.  Also many resources are available there if you become a member (membership is free).

Pre-Anniversary Word Search
Anniversary Word Search
Diamond Jubilee Word Search
The three links above take you to software that do searches for words in the Anniversary and Diamond Jubilee dictionaries.  Enter a word in 'wordsearch' and all forms of that word will be generated in Gregg.  Enter  '^' plus a word beginning (example - ^pref), or a word ending plus '$' (example - ification$), and all words beginning or ending with that affix will be listed.  Enter a string of words into 'textToGregg' and the corresponding Gregg outlines will be displayed. 
Hal's Gregg Dictionaries Webpage  Features dictionaries for most of the Gregg versions.
Hal's Github Page
The link above will allow you to use the software for any or all of the three Gregg versions above offline.  Once you've clicked on one of the three links (annWords, djsWords, or preWords), click the green '<> Code' button and select 'Download Zip'.  It will download a zip file containing all the outlines.  Unzip the file, and inside you will find two HTML files, TextToGregg.html and _wordsearch.htm. Double click these to run the software.

Dictation Recordings  Here you can find dictation recordings for every version of Gregg. The page is also part of Carlos' Gregg shorthand blog.  You'll need to be a member of the site to see and be able to download the recordings there.  

Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers and Fans  (facebook group)

The Shorthand Professor  (facebook group)

Easy Stenography (Gregg Shorthand Buddies)  (facebook group)

Gregg Shorthand Group on Reddit 

Easy Stenography (Gregg Shorthand Buddies)  A Facebook group for Series 90 and Centennial students from the Philippines

Anniversary Gregg Briefs Flashcards  on Quizlet

Anniversary Gregg Anki Deck 

Gregg Shorthand Champions  This video shows clips of many of the Gregg speed champions writing dictation, and giving some advice to the student about proper posture, hand motion, and page flipping.

College Course in Gregg  Very inexpensive, a semester-long course that covers the whole book of Diamond Jubilee.  The teacher is also familiar with Anniversary and can teach that as well if you let her know that's what you'd like to study.

Gregg Shorthand for Personal Notetaking
A youtube playlist by Howard Wallace using the first pamphlet of made by Gregg, teaching a very short and easy method. The videos are also helpful to learn to write the forms correctly.

The Shorthand Professor   He has a series of youtube videos that teaches Anniversary Gregg, as well as many reporting shortcuts.

The Shorthand Professor on Facebook

Starting to Write  a video by Shorthandist that teaches you how to keep your proportions by using graph paper.

Shorthandly Gregg Youtube Playlist 

Nathan Tonning  He does Anniversary Gregg in his videos, writing out the manual exercises and also transcribing Bible passages into Gregg.

Gregg Shorthand Playlist  instruction by by moseseseseses

Shorthand Generator  It outputs Gregg as well as Pitman, Soltze-Schrey, DEK, and Suetterlin, although fyi the Gregg isn't reliable.

Taquigrafia Gregg  Books and resources for Spanish Gregg and other Spanish shorthand methods

Taquigrafia  This is a playlist by La Profe that teaches Spanish Gregg.

The Jubilee  Reading material from the 1960s and 1970s in Diamond Jubilee Shorthand 

Bible in Gregg Blog 

Daily Gregg Blog 
Another Link to Daily Gregg Blog This webpage isn't getting new content, but there's still good material there for reading.

Gregg Shorthand Books Available for Download on Archive 

Anniversary Brief Form Flashcards

Simplified Flashcards
Simplified Brief Form Flashcards  

Notehand Brief Form Flashcards 

Today's Secretary and The Gregg Writer Magazines 1903-1982   So much reading material is available here!

Business Education World Magazines 1920-1990  Another amazing collection of Gregg reading material on Archive.

Shorthand Diary of Charles Malcolm Smith, 1918 

Expert Shorthand Speed Course Teacher's Handbook 


Let's Love Teeline Together  Great youtube lessons

Let's Love Teeline Together Website 

Let's Love Teeline Flashcards 

Teeline Books on Internet Archive 

TeelineMate  Teeline sentence generator

Shorthand Sue Teaches Teeline  Youtube playlist

My Journey Into Journalism  In this youtube playlist, Bragster discusses learning Teeline and getting to 100wpm.  Also has a Teeline generator, flash cards and other helpful learning aids.

Musical Teeline  Practise Teeline shorthand to music. 

Anna Collingham  

How To Write Shorthand  a youtube playlist by Shorthand Sue

How I Learned Teeline Shorthand (article)

Teeline Shorthand for Students, the Workplace, and the Lazy 

Teeline for the Curious 

I am proof you can teach yourself shorthand and pass 100wpm. 


Pitman on Wikipedia 

Pitman Shorthand Books on Internet Archive 

Long Live Pitman's Shorthand 

Long Live Pitman's for Complete Beginners 

Beryl Pratt's Youtube Channel  

The Joy of Pitman Shorthand 

NSS Books - Learn Shorthand 

Pitman Shorthand Course Playlist 

Pitman Shorthand Course  Youtube playlist by Shorthandly

Basic Pitman Shorthand  Youtube playlist dicating words from each lesson of the textbook.

Pitman Lessons with Learn from Baljeet 

Shorthand Clinic  Pitman dictations

Shorthand Now on Facebook

Spanish Pitman  Curso Moderno de Taquigrafia Pitman

RAR Archive of Resources from NIOS, an Indian Open School 

The Sign of the Four  A book written in Pitman on Internet Archive


DEK Lehrbücher  

Stenografie lernen mit Dominique Clarier German DEK youtube playlist

Dominique Clarier's Stenography Website  She has printed material corresponding to the videos.

1000 Eilschrift 

Literature in DEK Steno  A lot of material for reading.

Stenographie  Facebook German stenography group

Anki Deck 


DEK Steno Blog 

Other Shorthand Websites

How To Practice Shorthand  by Beryl Pratt from her wonderful site Long Live Pitman's Shorthand

Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand  A website devoted to pen shorthand


Orthic - A Manual of Orthographic Shorthand  

Orthic Adaptation to Spanish 

Orthic Reddit 

Universal Taylor Library  Each Taylor manual is given a nice description - many foreign language Taylor manuals and English language variations of Taylor are represented.

National Stenographie (Kunowski) 



Evan's Shorthand 

Current Corner  Henry Sweet’s Current shorthand

A Curriculum of Current Phonetic Shorthand 

Forkner Shorthand  A new website, has Forkner flashcards

Quikscript Outpost  It has many resources like fonts, a manual, javascript games, a dictionary and literature written in Quikscript, with new Quikscript transliterations added weekly. 

Speedwriting Reddit  It's no longer active, but there are interesting old posts to read.

Create Your Own Shorthand!  Features a tool to develop and preview your own shorthand system

Brandt’s Duployan  An excellent website, much more readable than the original book which is written in longhand.

Duployé Codifié 

Algonquian Texts in Perrault's Duployan 

Markus Steinmetz' Scheithauer Site 

Melins System 

UR Akademins Stenografikurs (Melin)  a youtube playlist demonstrating the Melin system

Melinska Stenografförbundet 

Melin's for English  by sotolf2

stenogabnoe  A youtube playlist for Gabelsberger-Noe, an Italian shorthand system

Stenografia Gabelsberger-Noe Stenoclub  on Facebook

SERA - Sistema de Escritura Rápida de Altilo  Parte 1  Parte 2  Parte 3  Parte 4  Parte 5

Jório Taquigrafia  blog

WalCury  Youtube channel of shorthand teacher and creator Waldr Cury

TaquiDigital Online  Youtube channel teaching Martí-Escobar, her website and facebook

Taquigrafia Em Foco  Portuguese Shorthand website teaching the Maron method

Les Petits Sténographes  Facebook group for French shorthand, especially Prévost-Delaunay

Stenographie Aimé Paris 

Le petit sténographe 

Forum du petit sténographe 

Stenital Mosciaro 


Слуховая Скоропись 

Hirano's Website  Here you can find more information on Akihito Hirano's (u/deme) EPSEMS shorthand and his other shorthand adventures.

Hirano's Youtube Channel  u/deme's videos writing some of the many English and Japanese shorthand systems he knows or has created

Japanese Shorthand Site  lists many shorthands, especially good for finding asian shorthands

Mr. T. Kaneko  Japanese shorthand

Sir Serge Russian Phonostenography  

Nova Skribo  With extra materials available for download  

Characterie: A Modern Introduction by Brent Werness

Taquigrafía: Sistema "Escrimatic"  para español

Taquigrafia  Asociacion de Taquigrafos del Uruguay y Historia de la Taquigrafia

VSteno  Software that generates Stolze-Schrey shorthand

Stiefogen – a Stiefo Shorthand Generator 

Pen Steno by Kevin Knox (aka codepoke)
Qwertigraphy  Kevin's youtube videos on his machine Gregg system
Qwertigraphy github  Where you can download the software for his system

Keyscript  A keyboard shorthand

A New Shorthand  A new cursive system that is still under development

Wisconsin Explorer's Shorthand  A site by someone working the Wisconsin system from a few samples

Dacomb  The Australian shorthand created by Beatrice & Clara Dacomb

Grafoni Generator 

Dictation Engine  This page uses text-to-speech technology to provide you with audio dictation of any text at any speed.

Natural Reader  This is another text-to-speech site where you can adjust the speed.  

Time Reader  A console-based Windows program that will display a text file at a user-specified word-per-minute rate.

Dictation Links 


Who uses shorthand in the digital age? Many, it would appear