Gregg Shorthand 

Under each heading, the materials are generally organized by year.  There are two exceptions, the first being that the main Gregg shorthand manual for that version, along with its keys, teacher's manuals, and the main accompanying dictionary are listed at the top of each section.  Also, I've put the Anniversary Functional manuals at the top as well.  Secondly, the Reference, Novels, Penmanship, and the Additional sections are not organized chronologically.

For more Gregg resources, go to the 'Links' subheading under the Shorthand tab above.

Anniversary Gregg

Gregg Shorthand Anniversary Edition (1929)
Gregg Shorthand Key to Manual (1930)
Gregg Shorthand Dictionary (1930)
The Vocabulary of the Gregg Shorthand Manual (1929)
Gregg Shorthand Functional Method 1 (1936)
Gregg Shorthand Functional Method 2 (1936)
Gregg Shorthand Functional Method Teachers Handbook (1936)
A Course of Study for Teaching Gregg by the Functional Method (1943)
Progressive Exercises with Key (1929)
Drills on Chapters from the Anniversary Manual (1929)
Gregg Speed Studies (1929)
Gregg Speed Studies Key (1929)
Gregg Speed Studies Teachers Key (1932)
Gregg Speed Studies and Graded Readings (1930)
Graded Readings in Gregg Shorthand Key (1930)
Gregg Shorthand Phrasebook (1930)
Word and Sentence Drills (1930)
A Course of Study for Teaching Gregg Shorthand (1930)
Transcription Drills (1930)
Anniversary Revisions from Pre-Anniversary (1930)
5000 Most Used Shorthand Forms (1931)
500 Common Technical Words (1931)
Assignments for Chapters 1-3 in the Anniversary Manual (1931)
Fundamental Drills in Gregg Shorthand (1932)
Fundamental Drills Key (1932)
Gregg Speed Building (1932)
Gregg Speed Building Teachers Key (1932)
Gregg Speed Building College Course (1932)
Gregg Speed Building One Year Course Teacher's Handbook (1938)
Teaching Principles and Procedures (1932)
Gregg Disjoined Prefixes and Suffixes (1933)
Direct Method Materials Teachers Key (1933)
Direct Practice For Beginning Gregg Shorthand (1936)
Gregg Shorthand Reporting Course - Swem (1936)
Derivatives Drills (1936)
The Gregg Reporting Course Units 1-6 - Swem (1936) (zip file)
Talk and Take Gregg Shorthand (1938)
Brief Form Drills 1939
20 Shortcuts to Shorthand Speed (1939)
Gregg Shorthand LDS Vocabulary (1939)
Gregg Shorthand Review Letters (1940)
The Technique of Shorthand Reporting - Swem (1941)
Technical Vocabularies (1941)
The ABC of Gregg (1941)
Intensive Gregg Shorthand McCann Method (1942)
Most Used Navy Terms 3000 Terms in Gregg Shorthand (1942)
Vocabulary Building Lessons (1942)
Teach Yourself Shorthand (1943)
Lesson Plans for Teaching Gregg by the Direct Method (1943)
Graphic Transcription (1943)
Frequently Used Army and Navy Terms (1943)
Hints and Helps for Students of Gregg Shorthand (1944)  
Government Dictation (1944)
Denominational Terms in Gregg Shorthand (1944)
Teach Yourself Gregg Shorthand (1947)
A Compilation of Technical Words and Phrases Commonly Used in the Bureau of Animal Industry (1949)
An Elementary Text In Gregg Shorthand For College Students (1950)
Most Used Congressional Record Terms (1952)
Congressional Record Vocabulary (1956)
The AEC (Atomic Energy Commission) Gregg Shorthand Dictionary (Anniversary and Simplified - 1957)

Mirrored Versions for Left-Handed Students
Functional Method 1 (Color)  
Functional Method 2 (Color)
Functional Manual 1 (B&W - for Printing)
Functional Manual 2 (B&W - for Printing)
Functional Manual 1 (djvu)
Functional Manual 2 (djvu)

Additional Anniversary Materials

Anniversary Gregg Word Corpus
Reverse Dictionary
Anniversary Brief Forms  
Review of Gregg Shorthand Principles
Comparative Summary of 'R' Forms
A Comparative Drill on R Forms
Gregg Disjoined Prefixes and Suffixes
Most Frequent Phrases
Synopsis of Gregg Shorthand
Technical Terms, Computer and Internet
Daily Lesson Plans for Teaching Gregg Shorthand by the Sentence
Teaching Gregg by the Analytical Method
A New Speed Building Plan
Acquiring Shorthand Speed at Home
Bring Your Manual Up To Date
Chemical and Technical Stenography
Just Right! (On Shorthand Proportions)
Progressive Speed Building Tests
The Evolution of Gregg Shorthand
Observations on Convention Reporting and its Problems - Swem
Gregg Anniversary Brief Form Dictation Recordings 

Anniversary Novels and Stories

A Christmas Carol (1931) 
Aesop's Tales (year unknown)
Alice in Wonderland (1931)
Comparison of Alice in Wonderland in 1919 and 1931 Editions
Creeds Of Great Business Men (1932)
Creeds Of Great Business Men English Key
Diamond Necklace (1930)
Diamond Necklace (1933)
Diamond Necklace Key
Hamlet (1931)
Legend Of Sleepy Hollow (1932)
Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to his Son (1933)
Man Without A Country (1931)
Rip Van Winkle (1931)
The Great Stone Face (1931) 


Gregg Shorthand Manual (1916)
Gregg Shorthand Manual Key (1916)
Gregg Shorthand Dictionary (1916)
Light-Line Phonography (1888)
Light-Line Phonography - Liverpool (1888)
Gregg's Shorthand - U.S. First (1893)
Gregg's Shorthand - Includes Part 2 Reporting Style (1895)
The Universal Dictation Course (1897)
Gregg's Shorthand (1898)
Gregg Shorthand Reading Book (1900)
Gregg Shorthand Dictionary (1901)  
The Miller Reading and Dictation Book (1902)
Reading and Writing Exercises (1903)
Gregg Shorthand Manual (1905)
Gregg Speed Practice (1907) 
Gregg Shorthand Manual (1908)
The Gregg Reporter (1909) 
Gregg Shorthand Reader (1912) 
Expert Shorthand Speed Course (1913)
Court Practice (1913)
Advanced Practice in Gregg Shorthand Info
Advanced Practice In Gregg Shorthand 1913)
Advanced Practice In Gregg Shorthand 1914)
Advanced Practice In Gregg Shorthand 1915)
Gregg Notes Court Reporting Series With Key (1915)
Gregg Speed Studies (1917)
Gregg Speed Studies Teacher's Key (1917)
Supplementary Exercises In Gregg (1918) 
Key to Supplementary Exercises (1918) 
Graded Readings (1919)
Word and Sentence Drills (1922)
Gregg Reporting Shortcuts (1922)
Notes on Lessons in Gregg Shorthand (1922)
The Stenographic Expert for Writers of Gregg Shorthand (1922)
Gregg Shorthand Phrase Book (1924)
Analytical Lessons (1924)
Lesson Plans in Gregg Shorthand (1925)
Rational Dictation (1927)  
Gregg Shorthand Junior Manual (1927)
Most Used Shorthand Forms (1927)
Intensive Exercises in Shorthand Vocabulary Building - Swem (1928)

Additional Pre-Anniversary Material

Chart of Brief Forms
The Alphabetic Charts
Chemistry Briefs
Chats About Theory Questions 
Hints and Helps for the Shorthand Student
Shorthand for General Use
An Anglo-American Light Liner - a Pitman Critique of 1916 Gregg
Diary of WWI Private Charles Malcolm Smith 25th Infantry Battalion 8/23/18-11/21/18
Gregg Pre-Anniversary Brief Form Dictation

Pre-Anniversary Novels and Stories

A Christmas Carol (1918)
Alice in Wonderland (1919)
Comparison of Alice in Wonderland in 1919 and 1931 Editions
Creeds Of Great Business Men (1918)
Creeds Of Great Business Men English Key
Descent into the Maelstrom (1928)
Diamond Necklace (1914)
Diamond Necklace (1921)
Diamond Necklace (1923)
Diamond Necklace Key
Factors of Success (1903)
Fall Of House Of Usher (1920)
Fall of the House of Usher Key
Hamlet (1915)
Legend Of Sleepy Hollow (1912)
Legend Of Sleepy Hollow (1923)
Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to his Son (1903)
Man Without A Country (1922)
Masque of the Red Death (1922)
Masque Of Red Death Key
Raleigh Rainbows (1928)
Raleigh Rainbows Key
Rip Van Winkle (1914)
Rip Van Winkle (1921)
The Sign of the Four (1916)
The Art of Making a Speech (1914)
The Great Stone Face (1912)
The Great Stone Face (1924)
The Poor Relation's Story - Dickens (1926) 


Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified (1949)
Gregg Simplified Transcript (1949)
Gregg Shorthand Dictionary Simplified (1949)
Phrases of Gregg Shorthand Simplified (1949)
Expert Shorthand Speed Course (1951)
Gregg Simplified 2nd Edition (1955)       (Some consider the 2nd edition to be better to learn from than the 1st edition manual.)
Student's Transcript (1955)
Gregg Shorthand Simplified for Colleges 1st Ed
(archive link)
Gregg Shorthand Simplified for Colleges 2nd Ed  (archive link)
Simplified Dictionary - zip file  English-Gregg and Gregg-English romanized dictionaries using YAGATS system by GreggLife
The AEC (Atomic Energy Commission) Gregg Shorthand Dictionary (Anniversary and Simplified - 1957)
Gregg Reporting Shortcuts (1959)
Gregg Simplified 3rd Edition (1991 - Irish)
(For more simplified manuals, check out this archive link.)

Additional Simplified Materials

Chart of Gregg Simplified Brief Forms
Omission of Minor Vowels Chart
Omission of Minor Vowels Chart with Outlines
Omission of Minor Vowels
Omission of Minor Vowels with Outlines
Gregg Simplified Functional 2nd Edition Summary Review - by Cricket
Summary by Sounds by Cricket
A List of Changes in the New Gregg Shorthand Manual
A Curriculum Guide for Gregg Shorthand and Transcription 1961
How Do Teachers Rate Gregg Simplified
Mrs. Gregg Describes the New Manual
Military Terms
Religious Terms
Electronic Terms  
Office Supply Terms
Family Shopping Terms
Technical Words - Groceries and Foodstuffs
(For Simplified audio dictation files, use this link, but you'll need to be a member of the site to see and download them.)

Diamond Jubilee

Diamond Jubilee Functional Manual (1963)
Dictation for Transcription (1963)
Workbook Shorthand Excellence (1971)
Diamond Jubilee for Colleges 1 (1973)
(For more Diamond Jubilee manuals, check out this archive link.)

Additional DJ Materials

Brief Forms and Phrases
Gregg Diamond Jubliee Cheat Sheets
Gregg Principles of Joining 
How System Changes Are Made (from Simplified to DJ)
Memory Load of Simplified and DJ Compared
Differences between Simplified, DJS, Centennial, and Series 90
Gregg Diamond Jubilee Audio Dictations

Gregg Notehand

Essentials of Gregg Notehand 1st Ed (1961)
Gregg Notehand Dictionary (1960)
Teacher's Guide for Gregg Notehand (1960)
Essentials of Gregg Notehand Self Check
Practice Drills for Gregg Notehand (1961)
Gregg Notehand 2nd Ed (1968)
Practical Drills Gregg Notehand (1968)

Additional Notehand Materials

Notehand Brief Forms & Phrases Key
Gregg Principles of Joining
Comparison of Various Notehand Editions
Gregg Notehand Bingo
Gregg Notehand Dictation Recordings


Greghand (1935)
Greghand Index of Words 

Series 90 and Centennial

The Series 90 Revision of Gregg Shorthand
Series 90 Briefs, Months, Days of the Week
Series 90 Brief, Derivatives, and Phrases
Gregg Principles of Joining   
Gregg Centennial Brief Form Dictation
(For more Series 90 manuals, check out this archive link.)

Gregg Penmanship

Practical Drills in Shorthand Penmanship
Lessons in Shorthand Penmanship
How to Overcome Mental and Manual Obstacles to Shorthand
Penmanship Pointers
Shorthand Penmanship Pointers
Write Lightly In Shorthand
How to Write Proper Proportions Using Wide-Ruled Paper and Graph Paper

Other books that give great advice and have exercises for penmanship are Gregg Speed Studies (1929), and Teach Yourself Shorthand (1943), and for Pre-Anniversary, Gregg Speed Studies (1917) and the Gregg Junior Manual (1927).

Penmanship Papers

Print Your Own Shorthand Notepad
Shorthand Pad Pages
Notebook Paper
Grey Dot Paper
Grey Dot Practice Sheet
5mm Graph Paper
1/4" Graph Paper
3/8" Ruled 
3 Lined Worksheet
Penmanship Blank Page
Penmanship Paper Sample
Drill Sheet - Horizontal Ovals
Drill Sheet - Vertical Ovals
Drill Sheet - Upright Ovals
Court Reporter Pad
Court Reporter Pad Example

Gregg Reference Materials

Which Version of Gregg Is Right For Me?
Cricket's Shorthand Tips
Brief Paragraph for Anniversary and Pre-Anniversary
A Systematic Speed Course For Advanced Writers - Swem
Swem Shorthand Speed Course Outline
Reading Ability Must Match Writing Skill - Swem
Simplification Will Help - Swem  
Secretarial Training - Swem
Obstacles to the Attainment of Speed in Shorthand
Practical Pointers for Shorthand Students
The Gregg College Book of Facts
Some Young People Who Have Made Good And Why
The Factors of Shorthand Speed
The Story of Gregg Shorthand
Little Journey to the Home of Gregg Shorthand
The Teaching of Shorthand
A Quick Way of Writing Figures
Making Shorthand Teaching Effective
The Educational and Practical Value of the Study of Shorthand
Shorthand Championship Tests
The Basic Principles of Gregg Shorthand
The Qs and As of Shorthand Theory
Gregg as an Equivalent of Two Year Course in a Foreign Language
The Use of the Blackboard in Teaching Shorthand
A Pictorial Story of Shorthand
If I Only Had a Teacher
One Teacher's Experience
Robert John Gregg and the Story of Gregg Shorthand
John Robert Gregg - The Man and His Work
Comparison of Diamond Jubilee and Century 21 Shorthand
Century 21 Evaluation
Gregg Shorthand for Homeschooling
Punctuation Simplified
Gregg Handwriting
A Guide to the Robert Gregg Papers
Google Links to Gregg Materials
Gregg Publications
Guide to Gregg Shorthand Books
Gregg Reference Manual 10th Edition
Gregg - List of Available Publications