
April 6th 2024 - The subject of Japanese shorthand came up on discord, and I was directed to this article on Carlos' Gregg shorthand site, which explains that there are 10 authorized Japanese shorthands.  There was a video listed of someone writing at speed in Waseda shorthand, but the link wasn't good, and although I found the video, unfortunately it's not uploading here.  But here it is, and it's fascinating to watch.

August 4 2023 - I just finished the Project Steno introduction program, and they gave us this cool certificate.  I'm feeling pretty good about my ability to write basic words, so it's seriously time to start my steno theory course.  I've been experiencing some obstacles in that way, but I'll keep pushing through, no doubt!

July 17 2023 - This is the logo I made for my website.  I made it on Canva using elements I found on Canva as well as images I found on the internet.  The background is written with Anniversary Gregg.  

July 17 2023 - I'm in my third week of this intro steno program. It's a bit more challenging than the A-Z program, but it's also been very good review.  I'm also doing this program for the possibility that I can apply for the scholarships they offer later on.  If you're interested in entering this program, click the pic to be taken to the website.

July 17 2023 - A few weeks ago I finished the 6-week A to Z intro course for the National Court Reporters Association, and they gave the students a nice certificate for completing.  🙂. The course was challenging but not too difficult, and it was very organized and thorough, so I was left with a good basis for theory, and a good idea as to what to expect in school for how much study will be required.  If you're interested in the A to Z Program, click the pic to be taken to the website to sign up.